resolutions x
dear 2018,
please be good to me, i have my fingers crossed and my eyes shut tightly.
I've become very good at writing new years resolutions that I don't fulfill or look at ever again after I write them out. I like to take a day out towards the end of the year and evaluate my year; things I did well and things I didn't do so well and things I should have accomplished that I didn't. I try to understand the things I did right and the things I did wrong as well. At the top of my list for this year is to be happy.
I was listening to Oprah's Super Soul Sunday Podcast with Gretchen Rubin called 8 Rules to Happiness and she and Oprah both said that we all want to be happy but we don't know what that looks like or how to achieve that. So I've decided to be intentional in the pursuit of inner peace and happiness. Being intentional is giving myself space from people and spaces that rob me of my happiness. Being intentional is being selfish with my personal space and who I choose to share that with. Being intentional is speaking the right words to myself everyday.
So Happy New Year babies. I hope that as you follow me on this wild quest to find myself and experience this temporary home we call earth, you also find yourself and whatever you're looking for.
love X light
image credit: @ilovecities on twitter.